One Earth Healing Massage

caring for you so you can care for others ____________828-215-2650

MassageAsheville BLOG


See what we've been up to this year so far at One Earth Healing!


On my walk today, I was so happy to see our great local, urban homestead supply and design shop, ,  renting a cider press at 25 dollars for two days!  Makes me think of fall days far back in my early years.  Getting lost in the dark corn fields, though we could hear our friends at the picnic shelter.  Feeling safe, but ending up scared as we roamed round and round the cornfield realizing we were going in circles, following the voices but hearing them from everywhere, and mysteriously they could not hear us!  Scary fun!

Being a part of outdoor haunted forests and apple festivals with family and kiddies and pumpkins galore.


Going to a cider press festival, enjoying the adventure, being the city girl I guess I mostly was at that time, and feeling like I had finally met my kinda people.  Whatever our ways, it’s great to meet people that resonate with you, make you feel like they are weird in the same way you are  – kindred spirits!  They want to hang out the same way you do – Yea!

I’m so grateful to be kindred spirits with all my massage clients.  Folks who enjoy spending their time relaxing, taking time to de-stress and take care of their minds and bodies.   Working at a spa where couple’s massages are a regular request and many are folks celebrating their anniversary or birthday, I always get a kick and am proud for the people who declare they are just out celebrating today.  They often continue with how they are always celebrating the day and are glad to take this time for massage.  These are the people we all aspire to be.  Even as a massage therapist, it is sometimes tough to get the time needed for self-care and reflection – though I work on it as it’s integral and supportive of my career.

Take the time to celebrate the moment this fall; for yourself, with a friend, family, or sweetie.


Check out VILLAGERS for all your urban farming needs!

Schedule a Massage with yours truly:)

Have a lovely dining experience  in Asheville!  One of my favorite spots!




Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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